Senator Thomas Kennedy of Brockton filed an amendment to restore the network funding line item at the $1 million level in the Senate budget. Our own Senator Stan Rosenberg has agreed to co-sponsor this amendment.
If you are a constituent of Senator Rosenberg, please contact him (information below) to thank him for his support. If you are a constituent of another, please contact him or her and urge them to support Amendment #670 to provide $1 million funding for networks statewide. Share your own experience of the Network’s value. They need to hear from you immediately! Thank you!
Senator Contact Information:
Senator Gale Candaras, 617-722-1291, 413-599–4785, Gale.Candaras@masenate.govGale
Senator Ben Downing, 617-722-1625, 413-442-4008
Senator Ben Downing, 617-722-1625, 413-442-4008
Senator Michael Knapik, 617-722-1415, 413-562-6454,
Senator Stan Rossenberg, 617-722-1532, 413-584-1649,
Senator Jim Welch, 617-722-1660,