In order to make progress towards the goal of ending homelessness, it is imperative that we invest in interventions that are both effective and cost-effective. Because HUD McKinney-Vento funds are largely tied up in renewals of existing projects, CoCs must be reviewing their portfolio of existing projects on an annual basis to determine if those projects are effectively meeting needs within the community. During the annual CoC competition, HUD allows continuums in Hold Harmless Need status to reallocate funds from existing Supportive Housing Program renewal projects to create new permanent housing projects. On Thursday, September 22 at 2:00 pm ET, join USICH and the National Alliance to End Homelessness to hear more about this important topic.
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Opening Doors Across America: State and Community Roles in the Federal Strategic Plan
September 27th 4:00-5:00 pm EDT
USICH will introduce a new initiative called Opening Doors Across America. USICH Executive Director Barbara Poppe will be joined by a panel of leaders in ending homelessness from cities and states around the country. This call to action offers clear direction to counties, cities, and states on the steps we must take to achieve the goals laid out in Opening Doors.
Ending Youth Homelessness by 2020: What Runaway and Homeless Youth Program Grantees Can Do
September 29th 1:00-2:00 pm EDT
Executive Director Barbara Poppe will provide an overview of Opening Doors, the federal strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness. The webinar will cover work that needs to be done nationally in order to achieve the goal of preventing and ending homelessness among youth by 2020. Poppe will discuss the specific roles that Runaway and Homeless Youth Act program grantees play.