Housing Sex Offenders Meeting Minutes – 6/15/11
In Attendance: Carl Cignoni, Hampshire County House of Correction, Joe Critelli, Hampden House of Corrections, Karen Dean, Hampden County House of Corrections, Laurie Guidry, clinical psychologist, Ellie Harris, ServiceNet, Richard Hendrick, Elliott CHS Human Services, Jay Levy, Elliott CHS Homeless Services, Wanda Rolon, ServiceNet, Pamela Schwartz, network coordinator, Laurie Smith, Service Net, Chris Zabik, DMH
Reaching out to community stakeholders:
Message: To be tough and smart and effective and to support public safety, need to have housing – housing serves public safety.
Identify who we can reach out to:
Springfield Police Dept. – Karen Dean will invite to next meeting
Probation/Parole: Carl Cignoni will invite; Laurie meeting with probation director
Victims Advocacy Organizations
Elder Advocates
Goal: to weave a coalition so no one is standing alone on this critical but politically volatile issue
Sex Offender Management legislation – hearing in Boston on 6/23 – call legislators to express support – will have victim advocacy groups at hearing.
Establish a survey of questions of sex offenders who are returning to jail about why they came back, were they homeless, effects of being homeless – contact Joe Critelli with questions you would like to ask – will put on agenda
Laurie will look for sex offender stats on our area
Next meetings:
7/12, 10:00-11:30, Northampton DMH (Chris will reserve room)
8/3, 1:00 – 3:00 pm, AISS, 736 State Street, Springfield