Family Services Committee Meeting Minutes – July 12, 2011
In attendance: Tammie Butler, Community Action, Cris Carl, Family Inn, Karen Cavenaugh, Womanshelter, Marcia Crutchfield, HAPHousing, Charity Day, Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Ken Demers, NEFWC, Heidi DiLeone, DPH FOR Families, Dawn DiStefano, YWCA, Anthia Elliott, Safe Passage, Brad Gordon, Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority, Toni Hochstadt, Community Action, Steve Huntley, Valley Opportunity Council, Yeisie Mateo, DCF, Ashley McGurn, FOR Families, Donna Nadeau, DHCD, Jordana O’Connell, Holyoke Public Schools, Lizzy Ortiz, City of Springfield, Steve Plummer, Springfield Partners, Pamela Schwartz, network coordinator, Suzanne Smith, network data analyst, Rachel Trant, DCF, Luz Vega, Womanshelter, Marianne Winters, Safe Passag
End of ICHH Grant Period
Still collecting numbers; Suzanne will issue report as soon as final numbers in. Roughly 87 families prevented from homelessness. Cost analysis: $3,200 for prevention, $3,800 for diversion
HomeBase implementation – Delayed until 8/1. Donna suggested inviting DHCD HomeBase rep to family services meeting – all agreed an excellent idea. Pamela will follow-up to obtain contact info.
Also agreed that Network voice should be used to weigh in on regulations, e.g., placement when no space at locally based congregate shelter – how to resolve this without dislocating family, bright line on age (18-21 only) defies assessment-based driven program.
Berkshire: in process of hiring intake person. By 8/1, hoping to accommodate higher number of people coming through doors. DHCD estimated 1.2 families/month – way underestimated. Working with Berkshire Housing Development Corp. BCRHA responsible for assessment and case management; BHDC responsible for subsidy.
Franklin County: 17 families in motels (11) and shelter (6) – a higher number than what DHCD estimated Franklin would serve for entire year!
Hampden County: HAP subcontracting with CHD and NEFWC – each agency will have roughly 150 families in their caseloads. CHD will cover West Springfield and Chicopee. NEFWC, Holyoke. Each agency will have 3 staff to work in motels.
Tornado relief update:
HAP distributed memo on tornado relief
Next meetings:
8/17, 1 pm, NEFWC, 225 High Street
9/13, 9:30, Northampton