Individual Services Meeting: October 4, 2010
In Attendance: Elaine Arsenault, Center for Human Development, Pam Bennett, Barton’s Crossing, Barbara Craig, ServiceNet, Danielle DeBerry, ServiceNet, Dave Havens, MHA, Peg Keller, city of Northampton, Jay Levy, Elliot CHS Homeless Services, Dave Modzelewski, DMH, Jerry Ray, MHA, Wanda Rolon, ServiceNet, Jen Rousseau, Dept. of Corrections, Pamela Schwartz, coordinator, Mark Warren, The Brien Center
Outreach for 10/28 discharge planning meeting, 10 am -12 noon, Northampton Senior Center:
Danielle DeBerry: Highland Valley Elder Services, CDH, Urgent Care, CDH Rest Home Rehabilitation Center, Community Support Options
Jerry Ray: Kevin Weir, Mass Behavioral Health Partnership – YES
Dave M: DMH eligibility staff
Mark Warren: outreach to psych units at Berkshire Medical Center, meeting with Dave Christopolis
Dave Havens: Adult Patient Psychiatric Unit – BayState Medical Center
Wanda: Franklin Medical Center
Jen Lucca: Pamela will follow-up with her on Noble Hospital invitations
Bill Miller: Springfield hospitals – Mercy, BayState; Pamela will follow-up; Dave Havens will work with FOH and Bill and Janice
Agreed will push on outreach. Ensure representation by each shelter in the region.
Agenda planning
10:10 – Welcome – overview of network, overview of agenda – Pamela
10:20 – Share stories – our experiences that bring us here, incl. currently existing discharge policies that may be working, e.g., Noble Hospital (Jen Lucca)
10:45 – Introduce draft discharge policy – Janice (will check)
10:55 – discussion of draft
How to implement, what does it mean? How can shelters and institutions support this? Check back every 3 to 6 months?
Blog tab: admission criteria, who to contact, etc. Expand resource list to include shelters.
Move to sub-regional to get into nitty-gritty?
How to facilitate sharing of information, the release challenge.
Minimal goals: has everything been tried to avoid shelter? If shelter is not avoided, is all information shared to ensure that everything that is in process is known by shelter providers; ensure institutional staff know resources that are out there. Consider Network sponsored release of information used by both shelters and institutions to maximize flow of info.
Add shelters to directory with following info:
Shelter Resources:
Type of Service:
Geographic area served:
Eligibility Criteria for Service:
Contact person:
Next meeting: November 1st – Northampton – 9:30 – 11:30