Family Services Committee – October 12, 2010
In attendance: Jane Banks, Center for Human Development, Alvena Brevard, DHCD, Marcia Crutchfield, HAPHousing, Heidi DeLeone, FOR Families, Lindsay Errichetto, Berkshire Community Action Council, Joanne Glier, Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Brad Gordon, Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority, Stephen Huntley, Valley Opportunity Council, Fran Lemay, Greenfield Family Inn, Jane Lindfors, DTA – Domestic Violence, Donna Nadeau, DHCD,Cruzita Rivera, VOC, Pamela Schwartz, Network, Sarah Slautterback, DOE, Suzanne Smith, Network data analyst, Tama Vincent, IHR – Project Rise, Janette Vigo, YWCA
Update on RFR: Still awaiting its release. Agreed to schedule a weekly meeting so we’re at the ready to discuss once it’s released.
Data needs: Suzanne presented ICHH request for cost analysis of diversion/prevention. Suzanne will follow-up with Tom (NEFWC) and Marcia (HAP) and work with both providers to provide this information.
Update on new DHCD resources: Donna Nadeau provided the latest information: $5 million will be allocated exclusively for diversion and hotel/motel rehousing efforts. Moving families out of shelter will be administered through amended contracts. Donna needs estimates on how many families will be served in housing placements from shelter in Oct, Nov, and Dec. ASAP.
Donna will clarify DHCD requirement to subsidize for 10 months regardless of family income situation and requirement of families not paying more than 25% of rent.
The whole committee gave special thanks to Donna for her efforts and assistance with providers during these times.
Next month the Committee will discuss the role the Network can play in pushing forward a longer-term reform agenda.
Sarah Slautterback, DOE – bringing together young providers to talk about youth and shelter – next meeting in Brockton at Father Bill’s, October 28, 10-12 noon;
Also, November 15th, 10-12 noon, 44 Front Street at Dial-Self in Worcester, a meeting to talk to providers who are interested in setting up housing for teens and young adults, hosted by Luck and Worcester Community Action
Heidi DeLeone: FOR Families visiting bigger hotels to do room and safety checks and doing quick assessments – will relay assessments to providers working with particular hotels
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 9, 1 pm, Holyoke DTA