The Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness wants your feedback!
As we approach our 15th anniversary, our Network Steering Committee would like to gain your insight on how the Network is most useful to you and what it could do better. We know your perspective and experience are crucial as we chart our path forward.
The complete survey will take roughly 10-15 minutes but you can take 3 minutes or 30; answer just a few questions or provide additional recommendations. It ALL counts! And please note your responses will be anonymous unless you choose to share your name with us.
If you are receiving this email, this survey is intended for you: ALL western MA and statewide providers and advocates and municipal leaders and legislators and staff. We sincerely hope to hear from you all.
So please click on this survey link: by Friday, November 3.
Thank you for your help in building the Network’s future. We appreciate your partnership!