Three  County Individual Services Committee
Meeting Minutes –10/15/18

In attendance:  Elizabeth Bienz, ServiceNet, Steve Connor, Veterans Services, Sam Cunningham, ServiceNet, Erin Forbush, ServiceNet, Jen Glover, Life Path, Lisa Goldsmith, DIAL/SELF, Chris Hayes, ServiceNet, Andy Klatko, Eliot CHS-Homeless Services,  Peg Keller, City of Northampton, Brendan LaPlante, Eliot CHS-Homeless Services, Phyllis Lutsky, VA, Danielle McColgan, CHD, Katie Miernecki, ServiceNet, Kate Shapiro, DMH, t, Jack Tulloss, ServiceNet, Hayley Wood, Easthampton Council on  Aging, 

General Updates:

  • No new housing units available for coordinated entry purposes (at mostly a standstill due to turnover happening with Servicenet’s PSH units)
  • Northampton has new housing units in the pipeline (Peg Keller provided the update): Dial/SELF youth housing – 4 units; Lumberyard – 55 units; 82 Bridge Street, SRO, 16 new units; Village Hill – 12 units and 53 units
  • Winter shelter starting in region on 11/1 – Greenfield shelter in process, will include 12-14 beds; Berkshire shelter still looking to solidify funding but moving ahead

Committee Goals for FY19:
Pamela reported on the Steering Committee’s request for each Network committee to articulate its goals for the year.  We noted the turnover happening in 3 County CoC leadership – the Hilltown CDC is transition from the role and will be issuing an RFP for new administrators. Our initial brainstorm included:

  • Gain a better understanding of the 3 County CoC’s role in shaping the Coordinated Entry goals (i.e., the CoC’s own goals and requirements and how they inform this work)
  • Gain a better understanding of the data provided by the CoC (Pamela will bring a sampling of its reports to the next meeting)
  • Play an active role in the decision making around the new CoC lead – what is this group’s expectations of that entity and how can it help shape the partnership
  • Support the integration of data across systems so the Committee can have the best possible understanding of its homeless population

Network trainings:
Pamela reported on upcoming Network sponsored trainings – how to run an awesome shelter – 12/18; progressive engagement and diversion (1/2 day 1/31) and trauma informed care (1/2 day, 1/31).  All offered by OrgCode, a highly reputed consulting firm that works on system change within homelessness systems.  Stay tuned for email registration forms.

She also reported that the Network is sponsoring a “think like a systems training” for regional leaders on 12/17, also offered by OrgCode, which should provide an exciting foundation for all our work.

Finally, the Network is in conversation with another training group around a series of trainings on racial equity and homelessness in the Spring.  This should be a very exciting opportunity for our region.  Stay tuned!

Next meeting date:
Monday, November 19
1 pm – 2:30 pm
296 Nonotuck Street, Florence





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