Family Services Committee
Meeting Minutes – June 12, 2012

In attendance: Shannon Barry, Springfield Public Schools, Cris Carl, ServiceNet, Marcia Crutchfield, HAP, Harry Duchesne, New England Farm Workers Council, Toni Hochstadt, Community Action, Ken Demers, New England Farmworkers, Fran Lemay, ServiceNet/Family Inn, Kim Lee, Square One, Jane Lindfors, DTA-domestic violence unit, Ashley McGurn, DPH-FOR Families, Janet Mock, Square One, Donna Nadeau, DHCD, Jordana O’Connell, Holyoke Public Schools, Dori Rosario, WomanShelter, Pamela Schwartz, network coordinator, Rachel Trant, DCF

Budget update:

Waiting for the budget to come out of conference.  DHCD had agreed on 7 month contract (good progress to avoid recontracting in December) but an amendment in the budget would increase it to 12 month contract.  So at a stand-still until budget resolved.

Families in motels: roughly 30 a day.  Over 1,600 families statewide.

Hampden County Motel Task Force:  Decided to change from every other week to monthly meetings to allow for more time to get work completed between meetings.   Holyoke Inn has seen around 35 families over the past 5 sessions.  VOC temporarily suspending Friday sessions due to summer-related conflicts – will revisit after 7/4.  Continuing to assess best outreach and content for interested families.

Greenfield motel population (32 families from after 10/28, 3 from before):  ServiceNet arranged a room in the Days Inn for Wed. mornings.  ServiceNet calls the families for outreach, offers basic intakes, providing families with housing search information, providing minor aid to families, assisting with collecting documentation.  Very positive – people geared up for 7/1 and new HomeBase resources.  (Sustainability will still be an issue with max assistance of $4,000).

Workforce development grant update:  Pamela shared Bank of America RFP that HAP, Career Point and the Network are discussing.  The Network’s workforce action plan would be used as the basis for an application.  Pamela will put out notice of these discussions to the whole committee to ensure maximum communication around this.

Housing authority meeting update:  The next collaboration meeting is Monday, 6/18 at 9 am at Holyoke Community College.  We will be dividing up by sub-region and identifying housing authority challenges and successes in working with the homeless population.  Pamela will keep committee posted on progress and next steps.

CoC update:  The City of Northampton put out a “Request for Expressions of Interest” to become new lead agency for the Three County CoC (which will be reconfigured to include Hampshire/Franklin and possibly Berkshire County).  Letters are due 6/22 to Peg Keller, City of Northampton.


  • Donna Nadeau:  new position posited at DHCD for director of contracts – based in Boston.
  • Marcia Crutchfield (HAP) with RAFT update: will be up and running 7/1, up to $4,000 in assistance.  HAP will work with Community Action to administer RAFT in Hampshire County.
  • Toni Hochstadt:   Women’s Fund of Western Mass. looking for participants in their Leadership Institute for Political and Public Impact.  Great networking and learning opportunity.   Meets monthly on Saturdays at HCC.  $250.  Next session starts in Sept.  Go to Women’s Fund for application and more information.

Next meeting:  Tuesday, 7/10, 9:30-11:00 am, Northampton Senior Center

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