Network Updates: Status Report

Our Network is rushing forward toward implementation.  Here are updates on our work: Our Director of Regional Coordination, Pamela Schwartz, started this week. Subrecipients have been selected, and our fiscal […]

Published in ICHH, Network, Network Leadership Council, News on July 29, 2009.

Lt. Gov. Editorial on State’s Approach to Families At-Risk of Homelessness

Yesterday’s Boston Globe had an editorial by Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray outlining the Patrick administration’s reforms to the state’s response to homelessness: the movement away from shelter to a housing-first approach; the […]

Published in ICHH, News on July 27, 2009.

EA Eligibility: Assessment Tool Roll-Out

Email from Bob Pulster: Dear friends,  On Monday DHCD staff working in local DTA offices began using a Pre Assessment Tool as part of their determination process of EA eligibility.  […]

Published in Network, News on July 15, 2009.

Regional Coordinator hired! (And other staff changes in our agencies)

The Western Mass Network to End Homelessness has hired a Director of Regional Coordination:  Pam Schwartz will start work the week of July 20. Pam’s involvement with homelessness began in […]

Published in ICHH, Network, Network Leadership Council, News on July 14, 2009.

Family homelessness: proposed MA legislation and news from NY

Massachusetts Senator Stephen Buoniconti and Representative James Welch have introduced legislation that would, among other welfare changes, makes changes to the family shelter system in Massachusetts.  The bill would impact family […]

Published in News on July 9, 2009.

ICHH baseline evaluation visit scheduled for Aug. 26, 9 am to 4 pm

The ICHH has scheduled a site visit to the Western Mass Network on August 26, 2009, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  A proposed agenda for the day is attached. The ICHH evaluation […]

Published in ICHH, Network, Network Leadership Council, News, WMIC on July 7, 2009.

Number of homeless female veterans increasing

Today’s Boston Globe reports: More female veterans are winding up homeless.  From the article: As more women serve in combat zones, the share of female veterans who end up homeless, […]

Published in News on July 6, 2009.

751 homeless families in motels in Massachusetts

Today the Boston Globe reported that the number of homeless families in motels has reached 751–a new high.  The story describes what it’s like for the families, notes that a monthlong stay […]

Published in Media/Press Coverage, News on June 24, 2009.

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