Finally! The 2009 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Opportunity has been released

The NOFA is here.  The application deadline is November 9, 2009.

Published in Continuum of Care, Funding Opportunity, News on September 25, 2009.

Network Outreach to Faith-Based Communities

Over the course of the summer and fall, thanks in part to funding from  One Family Inc in partnership with the Episcopal City Mission and the Fireman Charitable Foundation, outreach […]

Published in News on September 25, 2009.

Peer Learning Opportunities

From Homes for Families: As you may know, Homes for Families is dedicated to educating, organizing and advocating with and for the family shelter providers and homeless/formerly homeless parents. We […]

Published in Best Practices, News on September 23, 2009.

Network Updates

Connecting Network Resources to The Housing Court On September 22, Network Coordinator Pamela Schwartz met with Judge Fields, a member of the Network Leadership Council, Judge Fein and all housing […]

Published in News on September 23, 2009.

Project Homeless Connect news

Our region’s Project Homeless Connect is coming up soon: Tuesday, September 29 at the Mass Mutual Center, 8 am to 2 pm.  This is a great event for people who […]

Published in Network, News on September 18, 2009.

Veterans Conference

The Northwestern District Attorney’s Office, in partnership with the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office, the Hampden District Attorney’s Office, Soldier On, and the Northampton VA Medical Center, is presenting a conference, […]

Published in News on September 17, 2009.

Boston Globe: Homeless use of motels still on rise

The Boston Globe reports that there are now 1,010 families in motels, including more than 1400 children. The article describes how the state is responding: In an effort to quickly move […]

Published in Media/Press Coverage, News on September 17, 2009.

Minutes of Family Services Committee 9/15/09

In Attendance: Tammie Butler, Marcia Crutchfield, Joanne Glier, Toni Hochstadt, Fran LeMay, Jim Reis, Tom Salter, Pamela Schwartz The goal of this meeting was to determine processes for administering and […]

Published in News, Uncategorized on September 16, 2009.

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