Individual Services Committee Meeting Minutes 12/7/09

Attendance:  Dave Havens, Jerry Ray, Jay Levy, Dave Modzelewski, Andrea Miller, Wanda Rolon, Pamela Schwartz, Chris Muldrew, Tony Pereira, Suzanne Smith Discussion and agreement: 1.  The Committee agreed to adopt […]

Published in Individual Services Committee, News, Uncategorized on December 9, 2009.

Steering Committee Minutes 12/3/09

Attendance:  Jane Banks, Dave Christopolis, Joanne Glier, Gerry McCafferty, Andrea Miller, Pamela Schwartz, Suzanne Smith, Liz Sullivan, Lynne Wallace Discussion: 1.  We discussed the agenda for the upcoming Leadership Council […]

Published in News, Steering Committee, Uncategorized on December 9, 2009.

Franklin County Shelter Summit Report

Thanks to Joanne Glier of the Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority for this report on the Franklin County Shelter Summit: On December 2, 2009 more than 50 people […]

Published in 3 County CoC, Network, News on December 7, 2009.

Governor reverses 9c cuts to Homeless Individuals Assistance (line item 7004-0102)

News from Joe Finn, of the Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance– This morning, I received a call from Governor Patrick. He plans to restore the funding he cut from the […]

Published in News on December 4, 2009.

Updated Resource Directory Available!

Please click here for the latest version of the Directory of Services for Homelessness Prevention, Diversion, Re-housing and Stabilization.  Newest additions include: Legal services across the region Support services for individuals […]

Published in News on December 4, 2009.

Housing Court Collaboration Update

Thanks to all of you who attended yesterday’s meeting at the Housing Court (attendees listed below).  And of course thanks to Judge Fields for facilitating a good discussion with good […]

Published in News on December 4, 2009.

Special Guest at Family Services Meeting 12/8

Our next  Family Services Committee meeting will feature a visit from Marianne Pelletier, the welfare to work coordinator for Massachusetts Community Colleges. She will share with us the efforts to […]

Published in News on December 3, 2009.

Fundraiser: Groovin’ for Grove Street

ServiceNet is hosting a dinner/silent auction called Groovin’ for Grove Street on December 4th.  Eastside Grill’s Chef Jake Perkins is preparing the meals, and there’s three delicious entrees to choose […]

Published in News on November 30, 2009.

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