Budget Update from Mass. Coalition for the Homeless

The Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless offers this summary budget update and suggested advocacy: As we move closer to the July 1st start of state fiscal year 2011, a Joint Conference Committee is […]

Published in News on June 14, 2010.

Resource flyer for people losing unemployment benefits

Thousands of people across Massachusetts  have just received, or will soon receive, notice of the loss of their unemployment insurance benefits.   The Executive Office of Health and Human Services has […]

Published in News on June 10, 2010.

Important Development: Individual Services Committee Minutes: 6/7/10

Please note the significant discussion below.  For the first time since the Network began, our individual services committee membership expanded to include both shelter providers and REACH providers from across […]

Published in News on June 10, 2010.

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes: 6/3/10

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes – June 3, 2010 Attendance:  Father Stan Aksamit, Our Lady’s Parish, Dave Christopolis, Berkshire Community Action Council, Joanne Glier, Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority, […]

Published in News, Steering Committee, Uncategorized on June 10, 2010.

SNAP Eligibility for Certain Community College Students

A Reminder from the Department of Transitional Assistance: Many low-income students attending state-funded community colleges may be eligible to participate in the SNAP program. Identifying Eligible Students Students enrolled in […]

Published in News on June 9, 2010.

Job Opening: Community Organizer for Affordable Housing

From CHAPA: Job Opening Community Organizer for Statewide Affordable Housing Ballot Measure The repeal of the state’s affordable housing law will be on the statewide ballot on November 2, 2010. […]

Published in News on June 9, 2010.

Number of Homeless Families in Motels, Shelter Entries Down

The number of homeless families living in motels in Western Massachusetts has declined by nearly one-third since the end of January, dropping from 312 to 212 families living in area […]

Published in Network, News on June 8, 2010.

Data and Evaluation Committee Meeting Minutes

The Data Committee met on Thursday, May 27 at the Springfield Housing Court. In attendance: Pamela Schwartz,  Andrea Miller, Charlie Knight, Judge Robert Fields, Michael Doherty, Lori Ingraham, Deb Merkman, […]

Published in Data Committee, News, Uncategorized on June 7, 2010.

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