Hampden County Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 7/24/18

Individual Services Committee Meeting Minutes  July 24, 2018   In Attendance:  Grechar Aquino, Friends of the Homeless, Jesus Arce, City of Springfield, Olivia Bernstein, Mental Health Association, Lynn Conway, PDPR/BSAS, […]

Published in Individual Services Committee, Meeting Minutes on July 31, 2018.

Three County Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 6/11/18

Three County Individual Services Meeting Minutes June 11, 2018   In attendance:  Colin Blair, Eliot Services, Steve Connor, Veterans Services, Jen Glover, Lifepath, Peg Keller, City of Northampton, Jay Levy, […]

Published in Individual Services Committee, Meeting Minutes on June 19, 2018.

Hampden County Individual Services Minutes – 5/22/18

Hampden County Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 5/22/18   In attendance: Gechar Aquino, Friends of the Homeless, Olivia Bernstein, Mental Health Association, Jessica Dorman, Mercy Medical, Dave Havens, Mental Health […]

Published in Individual Services Committee, Uncategorized on May 24, 2018.

3 County Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 5/14/18

3 County Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 5/11/18 (Thanks to Jay Levy for facilitating and note-taking in Pamela’s absence) Shelter Updates: ServiceNet: Grove Shelter is full; they are now down […]

Published in Individual Services Committee, Uncategorized on May 18, 2018.

3 County Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 4/9/18

The Network continued its experiment with merging meetings by joining the 3 County REACH meeting and conducting Network business for the last 30 minutes of it.  All members of both […]

Published in Individual Services Committee, Uncategorized on April 13, 2018.

Hampden County Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 3/27/18

Hampden County Individual Services Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 In attendance:  Grechar Aquino, Friends of the Homeless (FOH), Olivia Bernstein, Mental Health Association, Steve Connor, Veterans Services, Marvin Gonzalez, Eliot […]

Published in Individual Services Committee, Uncategorized on April 1, 2018.

Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 2/1/18

  Individual Services Committee Meeting Minutes February 1, 2018 In Attendance: Tanisha Arena, Fenway Health VRP, Steve Connor, Central Hampshire Veterans Services, Nichole King, FOH/CSO, Charlie Knight, Rainville/former consumer, Jay […]

Published in Individual Services Committee, Uncategorized on February 8, 2018.

Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 12/7/17

Individual Services Meeting Committee Minutes 12/7/17   In attendance:  Rebecca Barowsky, Craig’s Doors, Sam Cunningham, Service Net, Interfaith Shelter, Jen Glover, Lifepath, Charlie Knight, Rainfille, Jay Levy, Eliot CHS-Homeless Services, […]

Published in Individual Services Committee, Meeting Minutes on December 10, 2017.

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