EA Reform Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes 11/9/12

EA Reform Sub-Committee Meeting November 9, 2012 In attendance:  Alvina Brevard, DHCD, Oonagh Doherty, Mass. Justice Project, Steve Huntley, VOC, Wendy Kane, Western Mass. Legal Services, Jim Reis, HAP, Pamela […]

Published in Family Services Committee, Uncategorized on November 13, 2012.

Family Services Update: Emergency Protocol for Homeless Families

Over the last several weeks, the Network’s EA Reform Sub-Committee has been hard at work devising a local response system to families who are denied Emergency Assistance under the new […]

Published in Family Services Committee, Uncategorized on October 15, 2012.

Family Services Update on EA Regulations; Next Meeting 9/5

At the last family services meeting on Tuesday, 8/14, the Family Services Committee  had en engaging and provocative conversation around DHCD’s proposed regulatory changes to the EA program.  Ruth Bourquin […]

Published in Family Services Committee, Meeting Minutes, Uncategorized on August 17, 2012.

Important Employment Survey Re: Homeless Families – Please Complete!

The Fireman Foundation provided support to the Network to creates its jobs action plan for homeless families.  It is now following-up with an online survey below (more context provided below […]

Published in Family Services Committee, Meeting Minutes on July 13, 2012.

Family Services Minutes – 7/10/12

Family Services Committee Meeting Minutes July 10, 2012 In Attendance:  Jane Banks, Center for Human Development, Shannon Barry, Springfield Public Schools, Tammie Butler, Community Action, Charity Day, Franklin County Regional […]

Family Services Meeting Minutes – 6/12/12

Family Services Committee Meeting Minutes – June 12, 2012 In attendance: Shannon Barry, Springfield Public Schools, Cris Carl, ServiceNet, Marcia Crutchfield, HAP, Harry Duchesne, New England Farm Workers Council, Toni […]

Family Services Meeting Minutes – 9/14/10

Family Services Committee Meeting Minutes – 9/14/10 In Attendance: Paul Bailey, Springfield Partners for Community Action, Jane Banks, Center for Human Development, Pam Bennett, Berkshire Community Action Council, Tammie Butler, […]

Published in Family Services Committee, Uncategorized on September 17, 2010.

Hampden County Diversion Meeting Minutes – 8/4/10

Diversion meeting – 8/4/10 In attendance:  John Bednaz, NEFWC, Martha Ceplikas, DHCD, Marcia Crutchfield, HAP, Leonard Hayes, Steve Huntley, VOC, Jane Lindfors, DTA domestic violence, Eneida Madho, DCF, Betty Miller, […]

Published in Family Services Committee, Uncategorized on August 5, 2010.

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