Message from Bob Pulster re Evaluation, July Site Visit
Bob Pulster writes: Dear ICHH Network Conveners and Coordinators, As you all know evaluation is an important aspect of the ICHH Network pilots. We have a tremendous opportunity to change […]
Report on Leadership Council meeting, 6/24
The Leadership Council met yesterday, June 24, 2009. Draft minutes are attached. John O’Brien, Regional Director of the US Interagency Council on Homelessness, joined us to speak about our work […]
Leadership Council Meeting, June 24, 10 am to noon
The Leadership Council meets tomorrow in at Westfield State College, in Scanlon Hall. Here’s the agenda. Relevant documents for review include minutes from the March 25 meeting, an overview of grant […]
DHCD Meeting Invite, Friday, 6/19, 10:30, Worcester
Email from Jo-Ann Moriarity, DHCD– Undersecretary Tina Brooks would like to invite you to a meeting of the Worcester and the Springfield/Holyoke community and housing partners related to the Patrick/Murray Administration’s […]
Meeting Invite: MA Dept. of Corrections Re-Entry Session
Bob Pulster has sent out an invitation from the MA Dept. of Corrections for two individuals from each regional network to attend a Re Entry Informational Session on June 25, 2009, 9:30 am […]
Bob Pulster to be Associate Director of DHCD’s new Division of Housing Stabilization
A message from Bob Pulster– Greetings, I am writing to inform you that I have accepted the position of Associate Director of the new Division of Housing Stabilization at DHCD effective July […]
DHCD Regional Meetings re Transfer of Emergency Shelter Programs
Message from Bob Pulster– Good afternoon, I want to provide some additional information on the DHCD Regional Meetings that are planned for this week and next relative to the transfer […]
ICHH/Network Funding Finally Available!
Our Network is seeking providers to deliver the innovative services described in our ICHH grant.