Draft Western MA Opening Doors Plan Available for Review!

We are so pleased to share with you the first draft of Western MA Opening Doors: An Action Framework to Prevent and End Homelessness.  Made possible with support from the Commonwealth […]

Published in Continuum of Care, Network on May 29, 2015.

Urban Institute Study on the 100,000 Homes Campaign

An Urban Institute study, just out, concludes that “the 100,000 Homes Campaign had a major impact on national efforts to end homelessness.” Researchers noted that communities that participated in the […]

Published in Best Practices, Continuum of Care, Zero: 2016 on March 24, 2015.

HUD guidance on prioritizing persons with highest level of need in permanent supportive housing

A message from Ann Oliva, HUD’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs: In a perfect world, there would be enough affordable housing and supportive services to ensure that no one has […]

Published in Best Practices, Continuum of Care on March 22, 2015.

RFPs Available: Springfield ESG program; Hampden-Hampshire-Franklin HOPWA program

The City of Springfield has released Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program and the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDs (HOPWA) program. The RFPs and […]

Published in 3 County CoC, Funding Opportunity, Hampden County CoC on March 19, 2015.

A Housing System Built for Zero Part Two: Assessment and the Role of By-Name Lists

The second part of a three part post from the Zero 2016 campaign: A Housing System Built for Zero Part Two: Assessment and the Role of By-Name Lists Last month, […]

Published in Hampden County CoC, Zero: 2016 on February 23, 2015.

Zero 2016: A Housing System Built for Zero

Community Solutions, the entity behind the Zero 2016 campaign, is posting a three-part series on coordinated intake and assessment. The information is so critical to what we do that I […]

Published in Hampden County CoC, Zero: 2016 on February 20, 2015.

Here’s what a coordinated system looks like

Like the Hampden County CoC, Arlington, VA is a Zero 2016 Community.  But Arlington is ahead of us, because they participated in the 100,000 Homes campaign. The Washington Post describes […]

Hampden & 3 County CoCs reschedule point-in-time count to Jan. 29

Due to potential snow complications for the unsheltered/street count, the Hampden County and Three-County CoCs have both rescheduled the date for the 2015 point-in-time count to this Thursday, January 29. […]

Published in Continuum of Care, News on January 27, 2015.

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