Meeting: Springfield/Hampden County CoC Performance & Outcomes Committee

The Springfield/Hampden County CoC Performance & Outcomes Committee is meeting this Thursday, August 27, 9:30-10:30 am at Friends of the Homeless, 755 Worthington St., Springfield. The Committee is working on […]

Published in Hampden County CoC, Performance and Outcomes Committee on August 25, 2015.

New 2015 youth count survey data analyses available

With thanks to Andrea Miller, the Three County CoC data analyst, we now have access to more in-depth analyses of the data collected across the entire region – both the […]

Published in HMIS and Data Committee on August 24, 2015.

Meeting Notice: Hampden Co CoC Performance and Outcomes Committee

The Hampden County Continuum of Care Performance and Outcomes Committee will meet this Thursday, August 6, at 9:30 am at Friends of the Homeless, 755 Worthington St. The Committee will […]

Published in Hampden County CoC on August 3, 2015.

Zero 2016 Progress Report for Springfield/Hampden County: June 2015

As part of the Zero 2016 campaign, we are tracking our monthly progress toward housing homeless veterans and chronically homeless individuals. The progress is tracked against goals that we set […]

Meeting Notice: Springfield/Hamden County CoC Performance and Outcomes Committee

The Springfield/Hampden County CoC Performance and Outcome Committee will meet this Thursday, July 23, at 10 am at the Springfield Office of Housing, 1600 E. Columbus Ave., Springfield. The meeting is […]

Published in Hampden County CoC on July 20, 2015.

Veteran Outreach in Springfield – monthly drop-ins, last Wed. of the month

Data in Springfield/Hampden County shows that a number of our long-term homeless veterans  access shelter only sporadically and are not seeking out services. A peer-to-peer outreach worker is looking to find these veterans […]

Published in Hampden County CoC, Veterans Committee on July 20, 2015.

Local Ties and the Point in Time Count

Where were people living on the night of the 2015 Point in Time Count? Where did they live prior to entering shelter? The 3 County CoC has prepared hyperlocal reports […]

Published in 3 County CoC, Data, Hampden County CoC on June 16, 2015.

Houston, we have no more homeless veterans

Congratulations to Houston, which announced today that it has effectively ended veteran homelessness. Houston is the second major US City to end veteran homelessness. New Orleans announced in April that […]

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