HPRP Funding Available: Chicopee, Holyoke & Springfield
The cities of Chicopee, Holyoke & Springfield have released RFPs for Homeless Prevention and Rapid ReHouse Program funds.
Surplus Federal Property in Southampton Available for Homeless Use
I have received notice of the availability of land in Southampton that has been determined to be federal surplus property and is available for use for government or nonprofit entities to […]
ICHH/Network Funding Finally Available!
Our Network is seeking providers to deliver the innovative services described in our ICHH grant.
Update on RFP process for HPRP: Coordinated process for Chicopee, Holyoke & Springfield
Just yesterday, I reported on the time frame that the City of Springfield planned to use for its RFP for HPRP funds. Today I’m changing the response date. Chicopee, Holyoke and […]
City of Springfield RFP for HPRP Funds to be released June 8
The City of Springfield’s Office of Housing will be utilizing the Request for Proposal (RFP) process to determine Homeless Prevention and Rapid ReHouse (HPRP) program funding for the program period […]
President Obama signs HEARTH Act
President Obama has signed into law the first significant reauthorization of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance programs in nearly 20 years. The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) […]
Notes from Springfield’s May CoC Meeting
Springfield’s monthly Continuum of Care meeting took place today. This month’s items: 1) a visit from Springfield Police Department’s Lt. Tripes; 2) a presentation from Gandara’s New Wave program, which […]
HEARTH Act signed by President Obama
Today President Obama signed the HEARTH Act. As reported yesterday, the Act reauthorizes the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance programs, and will provide communities with new resources and better tools to prevent and end homelessness.