Action Alert: Stop Governor’s Vetoes on Critical Homelessness Funding

Please see the action alert below from the Mass. Coalition for the Homeless.  Governor Baker has vetoed the long-sought funding for housing and support services for unaccompanied homeless youth, as […]

Published in Advocacy on July 18, 2015.

Great Budget News for the Network and Ending Homelessness

We are so pleased to share that the Conference Committee’s FY2016 budget released yesterday included continued funding of $125,000 for the Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness “to facilitate regional […]

Published in Advocacy on July 9, 2015.

Network Advocacy for Conference Committee Budget

The House and Senate Conference Committee has been named and is meeting now to determine its final FY16 budget.  The Network is continuing its advocacy for its priorities and asks […]

Published in Advocacy on June 3, 2015.

Senate Budget Update

The Senate passed its budget last Thursday.  We are vey grateful to our Western MA Senators for their advocacy and support of Network priorities. It’s now onto Conference Committee where […]

Published in Advocacy on May 27, 2015.

Senate Budget Amendment Requests – Act Today!

The Network is communicating with our Western MA Senators to request their support of the following amendments to the Senate Ways and Means (SWM) Budget, per our FY16 budget priorities. […]

Published in Advocacy on May 14, 2015.

Senate Ways and Means Budget Analyzed

Thanks to the Mass. Coalition for the Homeless for this analysis below of the Senate Ways and Means Budget Recommendations released yesterday.  Stay tuned for the Network Action Alert on […]

Published in Advocacy on May 13, 2015.

More Budget Analyses on House Ways and Means Budget

The Massachusetts Law Reform Institute offers this initial analysis:​ The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center offers this  HERE, along with this summary narrative: The House Ways and Means Committee released […]

Published in Advocacy on April 19, 2015.

Budget Action IMMEDIATELY for Network priorities!

Today at 5 pm is the deadline to file amendments to the House Ways and Means Budget.  I have summarized below (or find here to print Network Co-Sponsorship Requests) the amendments […]

Published in Advocacy on April 17, 2015.

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