MCH Conference Committee Call-In Day of Action TODAY!

Please see action alert from Mass Coalition for the Homeless: Please participate in our Conference Committee call-in day action. We are looking to generate as many calls as possible to […]

Published in Advocacy on June 25, 2018.

FY19 Senate Budget Conference Committee Begins Today!

The House and Senate have appointed the conference committee for the FY2019 budget. The committee will hold its first meeting today!  In the House, the conferees are Chairman Sanchez, Rep. Kulik, and Rep. […]

Published in Advocacy on June 7, 2018.

$1.8 Billion Housing Bond Bill Signed Into Law!

See below from CHAPA about this great news: On May 31, Governor Charlie Baker signed the $1.8 billion Housing Bond Bill (H.4536) into law. The legislation, the largest housing bond […]

Published in Advocacy on June 1, 2018.

More FY19 State Senate Budget Information

From Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance: The Massachusetts Senate passed a $41.49 billion FY19 Budget after adding $75.5 million through amendments. Among the amendments that were adopted were: An increase […]

Published in Advocacy on May 30, 2018.

Final FY19 Senate Budget

The Senate adopted its budget on Friday, May 25.  It adopted many amendments that will positively impact the efforts to end homelessness.  Next up is the Conference Committee, which will […]

Published in Advocacy on May 29, 2018.

Senate Budget debate begins today! Call!

Senate Budget debate begins today.  Click here for CHAPA’s priority amendments.  Call/email your senator and ask for his/her support (on the Senate side, senators can sign-on to amendments up until the […]

Published in Advocacy on May 22, 2018.

Senate Advocacy for Economic Mobility Amendments

A message from On Solid Ground/CHAPA: On May 10th, the Massachusetts Senate Committee on Ways and Means (SWM) released its FY2019 state budget proposal. The $41.2 billion budget includes many increased […]

Published in Advocacy on May 18, 2018.

One-Minute Action Alert from the MA Coalition for the Homeless

From the MA Coalition for the Homeless: Please take a minute to sign and share our latest online action to your State Senator to help improve the Senate version of the budget. The […]

Published in Advocacy on May 18, 2018.

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