$100 Billion Emergency Rental Assistance Bill Filed in Congress

An exciting development that the Network will continue to follow – stay tuned for action alerts to help move this forward! From the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s press release […]

Published in Advocacy on May 11, 2020.

TODAY: National Call-In Day for Federal Funding for Housing During COVID-19

From the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLICH) – let’s do this! Join a National Call-In Day on May 4 to Demand Funding for Homelessness and Affordable Housing in the […]

Published in Advocacy on May 4, 2020.

MA Ranked #1 in the Nation for Tenant Protection

Check out this Washington Post article that features state eviction and foreclosure moratoriums and includes the Eviction Lab Scorecard that puts MA in the number one spot nationwide for strongest protections for tenants and homeowners. THANK […]

Published in Advocacy on April 30, 2020.

Eviction & Foreclosure Moratorium Signed Into Law!

On April 20, Governor Baker signed into law the strongest eviction and foreclosure moratorium in the country (H 4647). This is truly a collective and critical win to keep people […]

Published in Advocacy on April 21, 2020.

The Network Signs on to COVID-19 Equity Letter to Governor

The Network, as a participating member in the MA Task Force on Coronavirus and Equity, signed on to this letter to Governor Baker and Secretary Sudders urging increased data collection and reporting […]

Published in Advocacy on April 20, 2020.

Action Alert: Write Governor Baker on Eviction Moratorium ASAP!

Massachusetts legislators (a big shout-out to our Western MA delegation for the support!) put a strong eviction and foreclosure moratorium bill on Baker’s desk. This bill, H.4647, is the product of incredible collaboration, […]

Published in Advocacy on April 20, 2020.

National Coronavirus Response Working Groups/Calls

With over 2,000 people from across the country participating in its weekly calls, The National Low Income Housing Coalition has just released new opportunities to connect more deeply on national, […]

Published in Advocacy, Best Practices, Resources on April 17, 2020.

This morning! Act to Pass Eviction Moratorium!

Within 24 hours over 200 organizations signed on to a letter urging the Legislature and Governor Baker to quickly pass a strong eviction and foreclosure moratorium.  Western Massachusetts turned out big […]

Published in Advocacy on April 6, 2020.

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