Contact Your Senator This Morning!

Today, the MA Senate is voting on hundreds of amendments to the Act to Enable Partnerships for Growth (S. 2842) (the Senate version of the Economic Development Bill, which must […]

Published in Advocacy on July 29, 2020.

Quick Action Needed for Federal Homelessness Dollars!

Check out this quick-click way to contact your Congresspeople and be heard on the urgency of federal homelessness funds. Thanks to the National Alliance to End Homelessness for this alert: […]

Published in Advocacy on July 29, 2020.

THIS MORNING: House Amendments for Housing Justice

Today is suddenly a VERY BIG DAY in the State House of Representatives as House members vote on an Economic Development Bond Bill (H.4789) that must pass.  Representatives (with advocates) have calculated […]

Published in Advocacy on July 27, 2020.

State Supplemental Budget Signed; RAFT and Other Housing Programs Funded

On July 24, Governor Baker signed into law the $1.1 billion COVID-19-focused supplemental budget to Governor Baker for his signature. It includes at least $20 million for additional RAFT homelessness […]

Published in Advocacy on July 27, 2020.

Urgent Action to Save Lives and Prevent Avalanche of Evictions

This is a weekend post because we’re in that time of weekend posts: one week to go before the end of the Legislative Session. Grab your minutes to act when […]

Published in Advocacy on July 26, 2020.


THANKS TO THE NATIONAL LOW INCOME HOUSING COALITION FOR THIS ALERT: Help Stop HUD’s Proposed Rule to Allow Discrimination Against Transgender People Experiencing Homelessness HUD published today a proposed rule change that […]

Published in Advocacy on July 24, 2020.

Gov. Baker Extends Eviction Moratorium to October 17; Push for Housing Stability Bills Continues – TODAY!

Yesterday, Governor Baker announced an extension of the eviction moratorium until October 17. As stated in Mass Live: “The moratorium, originally set to expire Aug. 18, now remains in place […]

Published in Advocacy on July 22, 2020.

Right to Counsel Moves to Senate Ways and Means

Good news! The Right to Counsel pilot bill, S. 2785, on Thursday, July 16, officially moved to Senate Ways and Means Committee. It is urgent that the Senate Ways and Means […]

Published in Advocacy on July 17, 2020.

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