Quick Action on Priority Bills – Committee Deadline Tomorrow!

We are coming upon the deadline (called “Joint Rule 10”) – TOMORROW, Feb. 7 – by which time state legislative committees must report their bills out of committee or they “die” (and […]

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Published in Advocacy on February 6, 2024.

Last Push (and Media!) on Point in Time Count!

The Annual Homelessness Point in Time Count that began on January 31 closes TOMORROW Feb. 7. The Springfield Republican reporter Greta Jochem joined the Count on the night of Jan. […]

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Published in 3 County CoC, Continuum of Care, Hampden County CoC on February 6, 2024.

January 2024 WMNEH Meeting Minutes

Family Services Committee Meeting – 1/16/24Western MA Task Force for Housing First – 1/25/24Individual Services Committee Meeting – 1/30/24

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Learning Sessions: Permanent Supportive Housing Development – starts Feb. 7!

The Supportive Housing Pipeline Coalition is thrilled to offer a suite of comprehensive, practical learning opportunities that will equip your organization for success in developing and operating supportive housing! The opportunities […]

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Published in Resources on January 31, 2024.

Governor Healey’s FY25 Budget – Housing and Homeless News

Mixed reactions with a big bright spot: Access to Counsel is in the budget! On January 24, Governor Healey filed her Fiscal Year 2025 budget, totaling $56.1 billion.   For a big picture […]

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Published in News on January 26, 2024.

Action: Stop Cuts to Cash Assistance!

In partnership with the Lift our Kids Coalition, we offer this update and action alert: On January 8, Governor Healey announced 9C budget cuts that include eliminating the 10% cash […]

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Published in Advocacy on January 23, 2024.

Western Massachusetts was in the State House!

Last Thursday, January 18, hundreds of supporters for affordable housing investment and tenant protections showed up at the State House (and virtually) for the Joint Committee on Housing hearing on […]

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Published in Advocacy on January 22, 2024.

Easy and Crucial to Weigh in: Submit Testimony for the Affordable Homes Act Hearing this Thursday!

This Thursday, January 18, the MA Joint Committee on Housing is holding its legislative hearing on the Affordable Homes Act, the $4.1 billion proposal that will make a BIG impact on meeting […]

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Published in Advocacy on January 16, 2024.

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