Action Alert: Push on for Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA)

Please see this action alert below from the TOPA Coalition. This is a key tool to preserve affordable housing (and why it’s a key Network priority). Please join this push! […]

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Published in Advocacy on July 8, 2022.

June 2022 Task Force and Meeting Minutes

Western MA Task Force for Housing First – 6/14/22 Three County Individual Services Committee Meeting Minutes – 6/13/22Youth and Young Adult Services Committee Meeting Minutes – 6/15/22Hampden County Individual Services […]

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QUICK Last Action to Weigh in on Conference Committee Budget!

Thanks to the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, it only takes a quick click to be counted one last time in support of key housing and homelessness funding and policies […]

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Published in Advocacy on June 28, 2022.

Quick Action #4: Last Push on FY23 State Budget!

Our last “quick action” of the week! And it’s such an important one! The clock is ticking on finalizing the FY23 State Budget. Right now, the proposed budget is in […]

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Published in Advocacy on June 16, 2022.

Quick Action #3: the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA)

Thanks to the TOPA Coalition for these easy-to-do action steps! The Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act is a critical tool to keep tenants in their homes and prevent displacement. TOPA […]

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Published in Advocacy on June 16, 2022.

A MUST-READ: How Houston Moved 25,000 people from the streets into homes

The New York Times gave a lot of space to this story by reporter Michael Kimmelman that has it all: the meaning of housing first in action, the role of […]

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Published in Network on June 15, 2022.

Quick Action #2: for HOMES (Eviction Record Sealing) and Flex Funding for Permanent Supportive Housing

As promised, we are breaking down urgent action steps in “doable bites” so you can do them! Let’s take a few minutes each day and DO THIS! Eviction Record SealingOur […]

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Published in Advocacy on June 14, 2022.

FUNDING AVAILABLE for Permanent Supportive Housing!

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has committed $150 million through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to create more permanent supportive housing. Of that $150 million, $15 million is being administered by the Massachusetts […]

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Published in Resources on June 14, 2022.

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