Tuesday, 3/31: COVID-19 Planning and Response Webinar

Learn from Seattle and Kings County, WA: Reinforcing the Homelessness Crisis Response:Lessons from Seattle & King CountyJoin partners from the CDC and from Seattle & King County to learn more […]

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Published in Best Practices on March 30, 2020.

Hampshire County Volunteer Resources; how to place a request for volunteer-produced masks

The United Way of Hampshire County has created a platform to connect the needs of social services with volunteers throughout our community.  They have also created an emergency fund for […]

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Published in Resources on March 30, 2020.

Gratitude to our Western MA Legislators

Our Western MA State Legislators led the charge in demanding the Administration act immediately and comprehensively to address the crisis facing people who are experiencing homelessness. 57 State Legislators, 17 […]

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Published in Advocacy on March 26, 2020.

GOOD NEWS: Congress Includes Homelessness and Housing Funds in COVID-19 Relief Package

Please see this excerpted update from the National Low Income Housing Coalition: Congressional leaders reached a bipartisan agreement on a $2 trillion direct spending bill to respond to the coronavirus […]

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Published in Advocacy on March 26, 2020.

Governor Baker Announces Housing Stability Measures

March 25: From the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development (EOHED): The Baker-Polito Administration announced steps to keep vulnerable families in their homes, preserve the health and safety of […]

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Published in Network on March 26, 2020.

Look4Help Summary Page on COVID-19 Related Resources

Community Action Pioneer Valley has an excellent and comprehensive resource page through its Look4Help directory that summarizes up-to-date local, state and federal resources available in response to COVID-19. While Community […]

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Published in Resources on March 26, 2020.

CHAPA’s COVID-19 Action Alert and Policy Recommendations

Please see this excerpted summary of CHAPA’s policy proposals and action alert in response to COVID-19: In order to help stop the spread of the virus and preserve housing stability […]

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Published in Advocacy on March 26, 2020.

Act NOW to support moratorium on evictions!

We have gotten word that the eviction moratorium bill is moving FAST at the State House, with a vote likely this week.  Thanks to so many of our Western MA legislators […]

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Published in Advocacy on March 25, 2020.

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