‘Outrageously High’ Discrimination Found Against Black Renters in Boston

The Boston Globe published an article yesterday revealing severe discrimination against Black renters in Boston seeking housing. The report underlying the article can be found here: Qualified Renters Need Not […]

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Published in News on July 2, 2020.

HUD Rule would allow anti-trans discrimination in federally funded shelters

Please see this announcement from the ACLU and stay tuned for action steps regarding the 60 day comment period which will begin shortly. The Trump administration’s Department of Housing and […]

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Published in Advocacy on July 2, 2020.

Round 2 ESG-CV NOFA Released

DHCD has released a NOFA for Round 2 ESG-CARES Act funds for shelter expansion and rapid re-housing. The NOFA is here related attachment A is here and the budget form is […]

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Published in Resources on June 30, 2020.

Two very fond farewells: Joanne Campbell and Peter Gagliardi

I know I am speaking on behalf of our entire Network when I relay our heartfelt gratitude to both Joanne Campbell, Executive Director of Valley Community Development Corporation, and Peter […]

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Published in Network on June 30, 2020.

‘Tsunami of evictions’ threatens Boston (and here too)

The Boston Globe reported yesterday on A ‘tsunami of evictions’ threatens to strike Boston, citing City Life/Vida Urbana’s just released report on Evictions in Boston: The Disproportionate Effects of Forced […]

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Published in Media/Press Coverage on June 29, 2020.

Announcing the Center for Housing Justice

I wanted to flag this new entity, as it is being started by the National Innovation Service, led by Marc Dones, our Network racial equity trainer last year. He and […]

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Published in Advocacy on June 29, 2020.

Action Alert on National Housing Vote; Two sign-on letters!

See this action alert from the National Low Income Housing Coalition – let’s add our Western MA voices! The House of Representatives will vote next week – as soon as […]

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Published in Advocacy on June 26, 2020.

Nikole Hannah-Jones on Racial Equity and Housing Justice – 7/7/20, 2 pm

The National Low-Income Housing Coalition is pleased to announce that Nikole Hannah-Jones, the creator and Pulitzer-Prize-winning author of the New York Times Magazine’s “The 1619 project,” and Marla Newman, NLIHC board chair, […]

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Published in Training on June 26, 2020.

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