Our Legislators, Our Housing Secretary, ALL OF US SAY: EMAIL HOUSE LEADERS NOW!

We just said good-bye to each other at our 8th Annual Network Gathering: over 150 of us in a room, Housing Secretary Ed Augustus, over a dozen western MA legislators, mayors, […]

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Published in Advocacy on May 31, 2024.

Positives for Housing, More to Do in Conference

Late last week, the MA Senate passed its FY25 budget totaling $57.9 billion.  Overall, housing and homelessness programs stayed intact with some funding increases in some areas. Thank you to our […]

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Published in Advocacy on May 29, 2024.

Housing First Training: June 12-13

The Springfield-Hampden County Continuum of Care is pleased to offer: Housing First TrainingJune 12 and 139 am – 4 pm each dayCarriage House at the Barney – in Forest Park200 […]

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Published in Training on May 22, 2024.

Time to Make Some Noise on the Transfer Fee!

The Transfer Fee is at risk! Late last week the Speaker of the House announced that he doesn’t want to allow communities to implement a local option Transfer Fee on luxury real estate […]

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Published in Advocacy on May 21, 2024.

You’re Invited: MA Poverty Commission Hearing – May 30

The MA Legislature established the MA Poverty Commission to study ways to promote opportunity, address inequality and reduce poverty in the Commonwealth and make recommendations that, if implemented, would significantly […]

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Published in Advocacy on May 21, 2024.

USICH Webinar on Encampments – June 4

On June 4, 3-4 pm,  the US Interagency Council on Homelessness will host an interactive 1-hour webinar to provide a brief overview of new federal guidance on encampments, to facilitate a conversation with communities […]

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Published in Training on May 21, 2024.

ACTION: Contact your Senator to Co-Sponsor Key Amendments!

On Monday, May 20, the Senate will begin debating its FY25 Budget. Now is the time to ask our senators to co-sponsor key amendments. The MA Coalition for the Homeless […]

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Published in Advocacy on May 16, 2024.

TOMORROW’s Rent Cap Rally in Boston; next Thursday’s Anti-Foreclosure Rally in Springfield!

TOMORROW May 15: Still Seats on the Bus to Boston Rally!  Springfield No One Leaves (SNOL) is organizing a bus to Boston to join the “Raise Our Wage/Cap Our Rent” Rally […]

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Published in Advocacy on May 14, 2024.

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