Family Services Update: Emergency Protocol for Homeless Families

Over the last several weeks, the Network’s EA Reform Sub-Committee has been hard at work devising a local response system to families who are denied Emergency Assistance under the new […]

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Published in Family Services Committee, Uncategorized on October 15, 2012.

Conference on Ending Youth Homelessness 10/24/12; register by 10/18

CONFERENCE In Pursuit of Ending Homelessness for Young Adults Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM College of the Holy Cross Hogan Center, 4th floor One College Way, […]

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Published in Meeting Minutes on October 11, 2012.

DHCD Conference “Under One Roof” 11/13/12; register by 10/26

Under One Roof Building a Strong Foundation for Housing and Community Development in the Commonwealth Tuesday, November 13, 2012 | 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM | DCU Center, Worcester REGISTER […]

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Published in Meeting Minutes on October 11, 2012.

Mass. Coalition for the Homeless Advocacy re: EA reform

Below is a message and call to action from the Mass. Coalition for the Homeless regarding the EA regulations.  The Network’s own statement on the proposed EA reform can be […]

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Published in Meeting Minutes on October 11, 2012.

Network Statement on Proposed Changes to Emergency Assistance Regulations

Network Statement on Proposed Changes to Emergency Assistance Regulations October 2, 2012 In July, 2012, the MA Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) submitted proposed changes to Emergency Assistance […]

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Published in Meeting Minutes on October 4, 2012.

Fireman Foundation RFP Meeting: 10/9, 2:30 pm, Holyoke

We will meet again as a Network on our response to the Fireman Foundation RFP following our family services meeting (family services meets same day, same place, 1-2:30 pm) on: […]

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Published in Meeting Minutes on October 4, 2012.

Public information and listening session on Supportive Housing MOU – 10/17, Boston

An invitation from the Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness: Please join us for a public information and listening session regarding the implementation of An Act Relative to Community Housing […]

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Published in Meeting Minutes on October 4, 2012.

Housing Sex Offender Work Group Minutes – 10/3/12

Work Group for Housing Individuals with Sex Offense Histories October 3, 2012 In attendance: Lisa Mary Carabello, Amherst Community Connections, Carl Cignoni, Hampshire County House of Corrections/DOC Re-Entry, Danielle DeBerry, […]

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Published in Housing Sex Offenders, Uncategorized on October 4, 2012.

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