Network Presentation to Special Commission to Reduce Sex Offender Recidivism

On May 28, Pamela Schwartz, on behalf of the Network’s Work Group to House People with Sex Offense Histories, presented before the statewide Special Commission to Reduce Sex Offender Recidivism. […]

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Published in Housing Sex Offenders, Uncategorized on May 29, 2015.

Secure Jobs Advisory Meeting Minutes of 5/19/15

Secure Jobs Advisory Committee May 19, 2015 In attendance: Toni Bator, HAPHousing, Sara Chaganti, Brandeis, Bud Delphin, CareerPoint, Ken Demers, BerkshireWorks, Donna Harris, Franklin Hampshire Career Center, Joanne Lacour, DTA, […]

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Published in Secure Jobs News, SJC Advisory Committee, Uncategorized on May 29, 2015.

Senate Budget Update

The Senate passed its budget last Thursday.  We are vey grateful to our Western MA Senators for their advocacy and support of Network priorities. It’s now onto Conference Committee where […]

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Published in Advocacy on May 27, 2015.

Springfield Republican Article on Individual Shelter Funding

On Friday, May 15, The Springfield Republican ran a front page article on the statewide disparities in funding rates for individual emergency shelters.  This issue drives The Network’s FY16 budget […]

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Published in Media/Press Coverage on May 18, 2015.

Hampshire County Housing Agency Sought to Manage New Housing

Hampshire County Friends of the Homeless issued this Request for Letters of Intent.  Please read below: Request for non-binding Letters of Intent Background The Friends of Hampshire County Homeless Individuals […]

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Published in Resources on May 18, 2015.

Family Services Meeting Minutes – 5/12/15

Family Services Committee May 12, 2015 In Attendance: Jason Allen, VA CWM HCS, Jane Banks, CHD, Sarah Cloutier, YWCA, Hillary Cronin, VA, Charity Day, Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment […]

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Published in Family Services Committee, Uncategorized on May 18, 2015.

Senate Budget Amendment Requests – Act Today!

The Network is communicating with our Western MA Senators to request their support of the following amendments to the Senate Ways and Means (SWM) Budget, per our FY16 budget priorities. […]

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Published in Advocacy on May 14, 2015.

Senate Ways and Means Budget Analyzed

Thanks to the Mass. Coalition for the Homeless for this analysis below of the Senate Ways and Means Budget Recommendations released yesterday.  Stay tuned for the Network Action Alert on […]

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Published in Advocacy on May 13, 2015.

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