Veterans Committee Minutes 6/12/15

Veterans Meeting June 12, 2015  In attendance: Dave Christopolis, Three County CoC, Jim Clark, Pittsfield Veteran Services, Ben Cluff, DPH, Steve Connor, Northampton Veterans Services, Tony Forzgalia, Veterans Inc., Lisa […]

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Published in Uncategorized, Veterans Committee on June 19, 2015.

Local Ties and the Point in Time Count

Where were people living on the night of the 2015 Point in Time Count? Where did they live prior to entering shelter? The 3 County CoC has prepared hyperlocal reports […]

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Published in 3 County CoC, Data, Hampden County CoC on June 16, 2015.

Housing People With Sex Offense Histories – 6/10/15

Work Group to House People with Sex Offense Histories June 10, 2015 In attendance: Elizabeth Bienz, ServiceNet, Colin Blair, Eliot CHS-Homeless Services, Michelle Billings, Franklin County Home Care Corporation, Carl […]

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Published in Housing Sex Offenders, Uncategorized on June 12, 2015.

Family Services Meeting Minutes – 6/9/15

Family Services Committee Meeting Minutes June 9, 2015  In attendance: Jason Allen, VA Leeds, Jane Banks, Center for Human Development, Bonnie Caldwell, DHCD, Kathleen Cinquegrara, Amherst Community Connections, Sarah Cloutier, […]

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Published in Family Services Committee, Uncategorized on June 12, 2015.

Leadership Council Meeting Minutes – 6/4/15

Leadership Council Meeting June 4, 2015 In attendance: Jim Ayres, United Way of Hampshire County, Jane Banks, Center for Human Development, Tim Brennan, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, Kathy Buckley Brawner, […]

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Published in Network Leadership Council, Uncategorized on June 12, 2015.

Network Advocacy for Conference Committee Budget

The House and Senate Conference Committee has been named and is meeting now to determine its final FY16 budget.  The Network is continuing its advocacy for its priorities and asks […]

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Published in Advocacy on June 3, 2015.

UPDATED Western MA Opening Doors Plan (DRAFT)

Since my posting of the draft Western MA Opening Doors Plan on Friday, we have made a couple of significant amendments so please review our latest draft by clicking here.  Be […]

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Published in Network on June 1, 2015.

Draft Western MA Opening Doors Plan Available for Review!

We are so pleased to share with you the first draft of Western MA Opening Doors: An Action Framework to Prevent and End Homelessness.  Made possible with support from the Commonwealth […]

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Published in Continuum of Care, Network on May 29, 2015.

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