July 2023 Network Meeting Minutes

Western MA Task Force for Housing First Meeting Minutes – 7/11/13 Family Services Committee Meeting Minutes – 7/11/13 Joint Individual Services Committee Meeting Minutes – 7/25/23

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ACTION Alert: Sign for more federal $ to end homelessness

Let’s join the National Alliance to End Homelessness to send this message to our members of Congress as they debate the FY2024 appropriations bill: Go HERE to sign on. It […]

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Published in Advocacy on August 3, 2023.

More on the MA FY24 Budget Here!

The Fiscal Year 2024 budget, passed by the State Legislature on July 31, now awaits the Governor’s signature or line-item vetoes by August 10. This budget provides many significant investments […]

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Published in News on August 3, 2023.

CoC Requests for Proposals Available: Due 8/29

The Hampden Continuum of Care and Three County Continuum of Care have each released their Request for Proposals (RFP) to fund: Hampden CoC: Find the RFP here: https://springfieldhampdencoc.wordpress.comBidders’ Conference: Thurs., […]

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Community Foundation Funding Available: Due 9/10

Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts announces their 2023 round of Flexible Funding, which will provide general operating support to nonprofits that benefit our region. Through Flexible Funding they seek to provide unrestricted […]

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Published in Funding Opportunity on August 3, 2023.

The FY24 Budget: News on Housing and Homelessness

On August 1, the State Legislature adopted its $56.2 billion Fiscal Year 2024 budget. It includes a lot of good news. We want to take this moment to thank our […]

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Published in Advocacy on August 1, 2023.

Support more affordable housing! Improve HDIP!

Please see this important message from Judith Liben of Massachusetts Law Reform Institute: On Wednesday, July 26, 2 pm – 5 pm, the Joint Committee on Housing will hear testimony on […]

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Published in Advocacy on July 21, 2023.

Sign-On Letter for federal rent control and tenant protections – by July 28

Please join Neighbor to Neighbor, the national Homes Guarantee Campaign and People’s Action by lending your support to this organizational sign-on letter urging the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to […]

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Published in Advocacy on July 21, 2023.

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