Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Meeting Minutes – 12/11/17

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Committee Meeting Minutes – 12/11/17 In attendance: Emily English, Gandara Center, Rosemary Fielder, Thrive HCC, Lisa Goldsmith, DIAL/SELF, Rebecca Guimand, STCC, Sharon Hall-Smith, Gandara Center, Charlie Knight, Rainville, […]

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Published in Meeting Minutes, Youth and Young Adult Services Committee on December 17, 2017.

Action Alert: Urge Governor Baker to Release Shelter Funds

The Daily Hampshire Gazette reported yesterday on the Governor’s failure to release the legislatively authorized funding for Craig’s Doors emergency shelter in Amherst (including a legislative override of the Governor’s veto).  […]

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Published in Advocacy on December 15, 2017.

Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 12/7/17

Individual Services Meeting Committee Minutes 12/7/17   In attendance:  Rebecca Barowsky, Craig’s Doors, Sam Cunningham, Service Net, Interfaith Shelter, Jen Glover, Lifepath, Charlie Knight, Rainfille, Jay Levy, Eliot CHS-Homeless Services, […]

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Published in Individual Services Committee, Meeting Minutes on December 10, 2017.

CHAPA: Call to Action! Call Congress Today!

Please see CHAPA’s Action Alert below and call your Congressional Representative and Senator Today! Last week, the Senate passed its tax reform plan. The Senate version of the bill retains […]

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Published in Advocacy on December 7, 2017.

Explaining the FY18 State Budget Including Veto Overrides

Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center has released the following summary and report: Explaining the State Budget for FY 2018 Including Veto Overrides   In the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center’s […]

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Published in Advocacy on December 7, 2017.

January Conference in NYC on Child Homelessness and Poverty

The national Institute for Children, Poverty and Homelessness (ICPH) is sponsoring a “National Conversation on Child Homelessness and Poverty” January 10-12 in New York City. To learn more, go here.

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Published in Training on December 7, 2017.

Veterans Committee Meeting Minutes – 12/1/17

Veterans Committee Meeting Minutes – 12/1/17 In attendance: Beth Barbra, Veterans, Inc., Steve Connor, Central Hampshire Veterans Services, Pat DiGregorio, Veterans Inc., Keegan Hersey, Veterans Inc., Nikki Riello, Hilltown Community […]

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Published in Meeting Minutes, Veterans Committee on December 5, 2017.

Network Request for Consultant Bids – Responses Due 12/15/17

The Network has issued this Request for Bids to provide the Network assistance in evaluating and determining its path forward as it continues to provide the collaborative vehicle for preventing and […]

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Published in Network on November 30, 2017.

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