Hampden County Individual Services Committee Meeting Minutes

Hampden County Individual Services Committee Meeting Minutes October 23, 2018 In attendance: Grechar Aquino, FOH/CSO, Olivia Bernstein, MHA, Nichole Bodiford, FOH/CSO, Fina Fulla-Kay, City of Springfield, Jessica Dorman, Mercy Medical […]

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Published in Individual Services Committee, Meeting Minutes on November 1, 2018.

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Meeting Minutes – 10/17/18

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Committee Meeting Minutes – 10/17/18 In attendance: Jesus Arce, City of Springfield, Peter Cofoni, DCF, Emily English, Gandara Center, Rosemary Fiedler, HCC, Charlie Knight, Rainville, Ann Lentini, […]

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3 County Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 10/15/18

Three  County Individual Services Committee Meeting Minutes –10/15/18 In attendance:  Elizabeth Bienz, ServiceNet, Steve Connor, Veterans Services, Sam Cunningham, ServiceNet, Erin Forbush, ServiceNet, Jen Glover, Life Path, Lisa Goldsmith, DIAL/SELF, […]

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Published in Individual Services Committee, Meeting Minutes on October 18, 2018.

Action Alert: MA ID Action Campaign Day of Action

Please see below from the MA Coalition for the Homeless and take action if you can! Thank you for your continued support of the passage of the Massachusetts ID Access […]

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Published in Advocacy on October 18, 2018.

Family Services Committee Meeting Minutes – 10/9/18

Family Services Committee Meeting Minutes – 10/9/18 In attendance: Yoshi Bird, YWCA, Lynnann Brown, Elizabeth Freeman Center, Carla Chioda, Adams-Cheshire Schools, Emma Ciccarillo, YWCA, Joel Cox, NEFWC, Rose Flores, YWCA, […]

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Published in Family Services Committee, Meeting Minutes on October 12, 2018.

Overcoming Tenant Screening Barriers: PowerPoint Presentation

Last Thursday, October 4, the Network hosted a training on Overcoming Tenant Screening Barriers at Holyoke Community College. Over 60 people attended from across the 4 Western Counties.  Attorney Jane […]

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Published in Training on October 10, 2018.

Cliff Effects Conference – November 28

Save the date from the Commonwealth Workforce Coalition: We are pleased to announce our event on Cliff Effects: Progress and Possibilities to be held on November 28th at the Trinity Lutheran Church […]

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Published in Training on October 3, 2018.

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Meeting Minutes – 9/28/18

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Meeting Minutes September 28, 2018 In attendance: Emily English, Gandara Center, Rosemary Fiedler, HCC, Lisa Goldsmith, DIAL/SELF, Ann Lentini, Domus, Inc., Gerry McCafferty, Hampden County CoC, Rebecca […]

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