HSF Forum: The State of Opioid Addiction in MA

See this opportunity offered by the Human Services Forum: Join us for a look at the current state of the opioid crisis and how is continues to effect Massachusetts. Wednesday, […]

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Published in Training on June 5, 2019.

FY20 Senate Budget Outcomes

The Senate adopted its proposed budget last week for Fiscal Year 2020. In relation to Network priorities, the highlights include: Unaccompanied Homeless Youth housing and support services funding was increased […]

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Published in Uncategorized on May 29, 2019.

Community Health Investment Session: June 11, Northampton

An invitation from Mass. Department of Public Health:Are you working on racial justice to help improve health equity in your community?Is your organization concerned about how issues like poor housing […]

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Published in Network on May 29, 2019.

Hampden County Individual Services Minutes – 5/21/19

In attendance: Grechar Aquino, Friends of the Homeless/CSO, Lynn Conway, SMOC, Jess Dorman, Mercy Medical Center, Fina Fulla-Kay, City of Springfield, Janice Humason, FOH/CSO, Mark Jachym, FOH/CSO, Nichole King, FOH/CSO, […]

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Published in Individual Services Committee, Uncategorized on May 24, 2019.

Veterans Committee Meeting Minutes – 5/16/19

In attendance:  Steve Connor, Veterans Services, Craig Deraway, Soldier On, Bryan Dixon, Veterans, Inc., Mike Hagmaier, Soldier On, Phyllis Lutsky, VA, Justin Maynard, VA, Gerry McCafferty, Springfield-Hampden CoC, Jesus Pereira, […]

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Published in Uncategorized, Veterans Committee on May 17, 2019.

Family Services Committee Meeting Minutes – 5/14/19

In attendance:  Isatu Barrie, NEFWC, Asia Bradford, YWCA, Theresa Cooper-Gordon, NEFWC, Evelyn Garrafo, NEFWC, Radame Jusino, NEFWC, Fran Lemay, ServiceNet, Jane Lindfors, DTA DV Unit, Heather Marshall, Elizabeth Freeman Center, […]

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Published in Family Services Committee, Uncategorized on May 17, 2019.

3 County Individual Services Meeting Minutes – 5/13/19

n attendance: Elizabeth Bienz, ServiceNet, Kerry Brock, Steve Connor, Veterans Services, Sara Cummings, Community Action, 3 County CoC; Erin Forbush, ServiceNet, Chris Hughes, ServiceNet, Peg Keller, City of Northampton, Jay […]

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Published in Individual Services Committee, Meeting Minutes on May 17, 2019.

Action Alert: Senate Budget Advocacy This Week!

This week, until Friday 12 noon, is the time to contact our senators to request their co-sponsorship of Senate budget amendments.  Your call or email as an agency and your call […]

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Published in Advocacy on May 15, 2019.

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