Veteran Outreach in Springfield – monthly drop-ins, last Wed. of the month

Data in Springfield/Hampden County shows that a number of our long-term homeless veterans  access shelter only sporadically and are not seeking out services. A peer-to-peer outreach worker is looking to find these veterans […]

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Published in Hampden County CoC, Veterans Committee on July 20, 2015.

The Massachusetts Pay-for-Success Chronic Homelessness Initiative

Joe Finn and Michael Durkin write in Commonwealth Magazine about the Massachusetts innovative pay-for-success model: Now, it is time to begin housing the homeless in Boston and across the state–for […]

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Published in Best Practices, News on July 16, 2015.

July 9 Webinar: Housing First for People Experiencing Serious Mental Illness and Co-Occurring Substance Abuse Disorders

SAMHSA is presenting a webinar July 9, 2015, 3-4:30 pm on the topic of Housing First for People Experiencing Serious Mental Illness and Co-Occurring Substance Abuse Disorders. The webinar will […]

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Published in Best Practices on July 8, 2015.

New: Boston Action Plan to End Veteran and Chronic Homelessness

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh today released  An Action Plan to End Veteran and Chronic Homelessness, the results of months of work by the Mayor’s Task Force on Individual Homelessness. The Task […]

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Published in News on June 25, 2015.

Criteria for Achieving the Goal of Ending Veteran Homelessness

The Network’s Veterans Committee met this morning (stay tuned for minutes) and some of the conversation was about what it means to end veteran homelessness.  Recently, the USICH answered this […]

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Published in Resources, Veterans Committee on June 12, 2015.

Houston, we have no more homeless veterans

Congratulations to Houston, which announced today that it has effectively ended veteran homelessness. Houston is the second major US City to end veteran homelessness. New Orleans announced in April that […]

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Urban Institute Study on the 100,000 Homes Campaign

An Urban Institute study, just out, concludes that “the 100,000 Homes Campaign had a major impact on national efforts to end homelessness.” Researchers noted that communities that participated in the […]

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Published in Best Practices, Continuum of Care, Zero: 2016 on March 24, 2015.

HUD guidance on prioritizing persons with highest level of need in permanent supportive housing

A message from Ann Oliva, HUD’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs: In a perfect world, there would be enough affordable housing and supportive services to ensure that no one has […]

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Published in Best Practices, Continuum of Care on March 22, 2015.

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