Next Step for REACH for Chronic Individuals: Gathering Information

As explained at the introductory REACH meetings in three of the four sub regions–Springfield,  Berkshires, Hampshire-Franklin and Holyoke-Chicopee-Westfield (Note: H/C/West meeting is scheduled for Feb. 18th)–we are attempting to establish two working […]

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Published in News, WMIC on February 9, 2009.

Springfield’s Monday Night Volunteer Street Outreach

Photos by Bob Stern / The Republican A group of volunteers pray for and with a man known to them only as Willie, center, in downtown Springfield. The volunteers are […]

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Published in Media/Press Coverage, News on February 8, 2009.

Training: Assisting People Who Are Homeless With SSI/SSDI Applications

Clare Deucher, statewide SSA HIV/Homeless Liaison, ia scheduled to provide two hands-on training sessions in Springfield for case managers working with clients pursuing Social Security benefits.  The sessions are scheduled for […]

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Published in News, Springfield CoC on February 4, 2009.

Next To Do: Director Job Description & Hiring Process

The Core Group will be talking this morning to Bob Pulster, to finalize the budget and scope of services for our ICHH grant.  This will enable us to go to […]

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Published in Network Leadership Council, News, WMIC on February 4, 2009.

Clarification of input to distribution of ICHH funds

The Core Group is seeking to ensure the greatest amount of input to the mini-RFR/distribution of ICHH funds.  We see this happening in two ways:

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Published in News, WMIC on February 2, 2009.

Clarification of Core Group role

When the Core Group met today, we talked about our role, and the tasks we have been moving forward.  We agreed that the Core Group is functioning in a very […]

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Published in Network Leadership Council, News, WMIC on February 2, 2009.

Next Draft of Budget for ICHH Grant

The Core Group met this afternoon and tried to synthesize the feedback we received on the proposed budget at last Friday’s WMIC meeting.  This next draft is attached below. We […]

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Published in Network Leadership Council, News, WMIC on February 2, 2009.

Three-County Funding Opportunity: HOPWA

The City of Springfield administers HUD’s Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) for the three-county area of Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin.  HOPWA supports housing and supportive services for persons […]

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Published in News on February 2, 2009.

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