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Want to know when there’s new content on the Western Mass Network to End Homelessness blog?  Subscribe to the blog, and you’ll get email notice (no more than once a day) […]

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Published in News on May 5, 2009.

Bob Pulster Email: Invite to Process Evaluation Meeting

The following is an email today from Bob Pulster; if you are interested in attending this meeting, please leave a note in the comments or contact me, Gerry McCafferty, [email protected].  […]

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Published in ICHH, Network Leadership Council on May 4, 2009.

ICHH Contract Update: We’re Getting Started!

The ICHH has sent a proposed contract to PVPC; Jim Mazik reports that he expects PVPC to review and return the contract this week.  Next steps are the MOU between […]

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Published in News on May 4, 2009.

Soccer as a Means of Supporting Stability

Yesterday the New York Times reported on a homeless soccer team: Homeless Team Roots for New Life Through Soccer.  The idea of a homeless soccer team initially made me nervous, because […]

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Published in Best Practices, News on May 3, 2009.

Seeking Comment on Draft Homelessness Prevention and Rapid ReHouse Program (HPRP) Plans

The state of Massachusetts and four Western Mass cities are entitled to Homelessness Prevention and Rapid ReHousing Funds.  In order to receive funds, grantees must submit plans to HUD indicating […]

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Published in Advocacy, Continuum of Care, WMIC on May 1, 2009.

MRVP Funding Restored to House Budget!

The House restored more than $17M to the MRVP program that had been cut by House Ways and Means. The sponsors of the amendments were Housing Chairman Honan, Representative Smizik, […]

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Published in Advocacy, News on May 1, 2009.

One Family and Partners Release RFP for Regional Faith-Based Action Grants

An Announcement from One Family, Inc.: Dear ICHH Regional Conveners and Leadership Council Members, We are excited to announce new Regional Faith Based Action Grants! One Family Inc in partnership […]

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Published in Funding Opportunity, Network Leadership Council, News on April 27, 2009.

NERHMIS Training & Policy Symposium

The New England Region Homeless Management Information System is holding its annual training & policy symposium in Boston on May 18, 2009, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Take a look at […]

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Published in Continuum of Care, News, Training on April 27, 2009.

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