ICHH Meeting re Process Evaluation

Yesterday the ICHH held its first meeting with representatives from all the regional networks.  Lynne Wallace, Charlie Knight, Andrea Miller and Gerry McCafferty attended for the Western Mass Network.  The […]

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Published in ICHH, Network, Network Leadership Council on May 21, 2009.

HEARTH Act signed by President Obama

Today President Obama signed the HEARTH Act.  As reported yesterday, the Act reauthorizes the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance programs, and will provide communities with new resources and better tools to prevent and end homelessness.

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Published in Continuum of Care on May 20, 2009.

MRVP advocacy needed in the state Senate

The MA Rental Voucher Program (MRVP, line item 7004-9024) provides very low income households with assistance in paying their rent.  The Senate Ways & Means budget proposal cuts funding for MRVP […]

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Published in Advocacy on May 19, 2009.

Congress passes the HEARTH Act and reauthorizes McKinney-Vento

Today both the House and Senate overwhelmingly passed S. 896, the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act. The legislation will reauthorize McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance programs for the first time in […]

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Published in Continuum of Care, News on May 19, 2009.

We’re Hiring!

The Western Mass Network to End Homelessness is seeking a Director of Regional Coordination. 

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Published in ICHH, Network, Network Leadership Council on May 18, 2009.

Eliot 2009 Statewide Homeless Conference June 12

Eliot Community Human Services is hosting its 17th annual homeless conference on June 12, 2009, in Worcester.  Agenda and registration form here.

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Published in Best Practices, Training on May 16, 2009.

Shelter Diversion for Families

It’s been posted here before, but as we’re moving closer to having ICHH and HPRP money to spend, this Massachusetts pilot diversion project report is worth another look.  It was a […]

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Published in ICHH, Network, Springfield CoC on May 15, 2009.

Invitation from Tina Brooks to May 15 presentation on movement of homeless and homeless prevention programs to DHCD

Email from Tina Brooks (via Bob Pulster): Dear Friend, I am writing to invite you to an informational meeting hosted by the Department of Housing and Community Development. DHCD would […]

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Published in ICHH, Network on May 14, 2009.

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