Project Homeless Connect 2009, Greater Springfield Region

Pastor Greg Dyson’s daughter, Jessica, has made a video to be used to recruit volunteers for the 2009 Project Homeless Connect.  The video uses photos from last year’s event. The […]

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Published in Best Practices, Network on July 30, 2009.

Details: FAQ from the ICHH re billing and other technical matters

The ICHH has provided technical guidance on several issues, primarily of interest to the Convening Agency and subrecipients, but some of which may be of interest to the network and […]

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Published in ICHH, Network, Network Leadership Council on July 30, 2009.

ICHH Site Evaluation Visit

Our ICHH Site Evaluation visit will take place Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 9 am to 3 pm, at the Western Mass regional office of the Department of Mental Health–the Haskell […]

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Published in ICHH, Network, Network Leadership Council on July 30, 2009.

Network Updates: Status Report

Our Network is rushing forward toward implementation.  Here are updates on our work: Our Director of Regional Coordination, Pamela Schwartz, started this week. Subrecipients have been selected, and our fiscal […]

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Published in ICHH, Network, Network Leadership Council, News on July 29, 2009.

Lt. Gov. Editorial on State’s Approach to Families At-Risk of Homelessness

Yesterday’s Boston Globe had an editorial by Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray outlining the Patrick administration’s reforms to the state’s response to homelessness: the movement away from shelter to a housing-first approach; the […]

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Published in ICHH, News on July 27, 2009.

Just getting to it: Notes from Springfield’s July 1, 2009 Implementation Committee meeting

Springfield’s Ten Year Plan Implementation Committee has its most recent quarterly meeting on July 1, 2009.  Notes from the meeting are attached.  The next quarterly meeting will be October 2, […]

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Published in Network, Springfield CoC, Uncategorized on July 22, 2009.

Message about volunteering/service from Lt. Governor Murray

Good Afternoon, This summer, from June 22nd through September 11th, the White House has launched a summer of service: “United We Serve”.  United We Serve encourages local volunteerism in four […]

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Published in ICHH on July 20, 2009.

Schedules: Statewide Regional Network ICHH Evaluation Meeting, Meeting of all Statewide Regional Coordinators/Conveners

It’s been very difficult to schedule our baseline evaluation visit, last mentioned here and previously scheduled for August 26.  The visit has now been moved to August 11, all day, and […]

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Published in ICHH, Network, Network Leadership Council, WMIC on July 20, 2009.

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