MHSA on Governor’s FY 2011 Budget

From Joe Finn at MHSA:  Today, Governor Patrick affirmed his commitment to reducing the state’s reliance on emergency resources and transforming the homeless adult shelter system. The Governor’s Fiscal Year […]

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Published in Advocacy on January 27, 2010.

Remembering those who have died

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Published in Springfield CoC on December 15, 2009.

Governor reverses 9c cuts to Homeless Individuals Assistance (line item 7004-0102)

News from Joe Finn, of the Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance– This morning, I received a call from Governor Patrick. He plans to restore the funding he cut from the […]

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Published in News on December 4, 2009.

ICHH policy and practice priorities

ICHH Director Liz Curtis sent along ICHH policy and practice recommendations concerning regional network and cross agency issues. From Liz’ email: These recommendations for action come from a variety of sources, including […]

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Published in ICHH, Network, Network Leadership Council on December 2, 2009.

Fundraiser: Groovin’ for Grove Street

ServiceNet is hosting a dinner/silent auction called Groovin’ for Grove Street on December 4th.  Eastside Grill’s Chef Jake Perkins is preparing the meals, and there’s three delicious entrees to choose […]

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Published in News on November 30, 2009.

Viewpoint: No family deserves to go homeless

On Thanksgiving Day, the Springfield Republican published a Viewpoint piece I wrote (with help from Pamela Schwartz) about our regional network and the Housing First approach to ending homelessness.  This was […]

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Published in Media/Press Coverage, Network, News on November 30, 2009.

After 2 years of being homeless, Karleen Ramos of Springfield is grateful just to have a home for her family this Thanksgiving

The Springfield Republican reports on a family that has recently been housed with rapid rehousing assistance. Photo by Don Treeger / The Republican Karleen M. Ramos and her family sit in front […]

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Published in Media/Press Coverage, Network, News on November 25, 2009.

Washington Post: Renters becoming latest victims as foreclosure crisis widens

Today’s Washington Post: A new wave of foreclosures stands to hurt people who may have never taken out a mortgage: renters. In cities such as New York, Chicago and Los […]

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Published in News on November 23, 2009.

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