DHCD seeks public comment on emergency regulations; comments due by close of business Friday, Oct. 31

To implement relevant provisions of Section 2 of Chapter 129 of the Acts of 2013 (An Act Financing the Production and Preservation of Housing for Low and Moderate Income Residents), […]

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Published in News on October 28, 2014.

Presentation: Harm Reduction and Housing First

At the Networks’ October 16 Housing First training, we were fortunate to have Dr. Wayne Centrone, from the Center for Social Innovation and the t3 Institute, give a presentation on […]

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Published in Best Practices, Network on October 23, 2014.

FY2014 CoC Competition: Hampden CoC Ranking and Selections

The Hampden County CoC has completed its ranking and selection process for the FY2014 competition.  The projects to be included in the FY2014 application are the following: Tier 1 HMIS, […]

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Published in Hampden County CoC, News on October 20, 2014.

Update on Family Homelessness in Mass, PLUS What Would You Do To Improve the System?

Yesterday, DHCD met with family shelter providers from across the state to give updates and talk about solutions.  Homes for Families has posted an excellent summary of the meeting. Check […]

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Published in News on October 18, 2014.

Successful Housing First training

Thank you to all organizers, presenters and attendees at our Housing First training on October 16.  We heard great stuff about our local successes, advice for improving our work, and inspiration […]

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Published in Best Practices, Network, News on October 18, 2014.

HUD’s Ann Oliva on Youth Homelessness

HUD’s Ann Oliva, Director of the Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs, sent this message out today about youth homelessness: This is one of the most important In Focus messages […]

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Published in News, Youth on October 14, 2014.

Hampden County CoC Competition Update: amount of funds available

More than one potential applicant has asked how much money is available in this regular (not bonus) CoC competition round.  The most accurate answer is that, since this is a […]

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Published in Funding Opportunity, Hampden County CoC on October 10, 2014.

More Q & Aa about the Hampden County CoC FY2014 Funding Competition

More Q & As have been added to this resource, including materials from the Oct. 3 bidders’ conference and anawers to questions submitted in writing. Potential applicants should visit the […]

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Published in Continuum of Care, Funding Opportunity, Hampden County CoC on October 6, 2014.

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