Today is a crucial day for crucial action.  

The House will debate its version of the Affordable Homes Act starting tomorrow, June 5, and TODAY is the day to urge your State Representative to co-sponsor critical amendments.

Here’s the email you can copy and paste or use for a phone call (find your rep here):

Dear Representative ______:

I am writing to ask you to co-sponsor the following amendments:

  • Amendment #165 (Rep. LeBoeuf) to include the Local Option Real Estate Transfer Fee. I was extremely disappointed to see that the transfer fee was not included in the House Ways and Means proposal.  It is absolutely critical to give cities and towns this local option to address the severe affordable housing gap. This amendment will afford the level of flexibility needed by our local communities.
  • Amendment #160 (Reps. Livingstone and Consalvo) to include the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) language in the bill. This local option is a critical tool to preserve naturally occurring affordable housing in our communities.
  • Amendment #33 (Rep. Montaño) to enable cities and towns to stabilize rents and protect tenants. This amendment will allow cities and towns to implement programs to cap rents and prevent no-fault evictions, both of which are crucial to address rising homelessness.
  • Amendment #174 (Rep. Barber) to create the Foreclosure Prevention Program. This amendment would establish a statewide mediation program to prevent foreclosures, an opportunity that is especially vital for low-income homeowners.
  • Amendment #4 (Rep. Meschino) to strengthen the Flex Pool for Permanent Supportive Housing, an innovative vehicle for addressing the housing needs of our most vulnerable individuals.

Please support these amendments and please urge House leadership to do the same on behalf of your constituents.

Thank you for your consideration.

[your name and address]

Send it NOW! 

Thank you for your partnership!

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