The FY20 State Budge is now in the hands of the Conference Committee – 3 State Representatives and 3 Senators – as they work out the differences between the House and Senate proposed budgets. Each year the Conference Committee is made up of the Chairs, Vice Chairs, and ranking minority members from the House and Senate Ways and Means Committees. (see contact information below.)

The Network has submitted its requests to the Conference Committee for their consideration. You can see them here.

Now is the time to email the Conference Committee members to urge their support of these priorities. When you do, please copy your own Rep and Senator so they can register your support, which will further their own advocacy from within on Beacon Hill.

The Conference Committee members are:
Senator Michael J. Rodrigues, (617) 722-1114, [email protected]
Senator Cindy F. Friedman, (617) 722-1432, [email protected]
Senator Viriato M. deMacedo, (617) 722-1330, [email protected]
Representative Aaron Michlewitz, (617) 722-2990, [email protected]
Representative Denise C. Garlick, (617) 722-2380, [email protected]
Representative Todd M. Smola, (617) 722-2100, [email protected]

When the Conference Committee finishes its work, it will send its budget to the Governor. In Massachusetts, the Governor has line-item veto power, so the Governor can (and likely will) veto certain parts of the budget without having to veto the entire bill. The legislature can (and likely will) override the Governor’s vetos. And—if all goes like previous years—the Governor will sign the final budget around the start of the new fiscal year on July 1.

So we still have several more points along this process to ensure our voices on housing and homelessness priorities is heard. Thanks for being part of it!

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