Please see CHAPA’s Action Alert below:
The Housing Bond Bill, our legislative priority in affordable housing, has a hearing scheduled for tomorrow at the State House. The hearing is in front of the House Committee on Bonding and Capital Assets at 10 am in room B2. The testimony is facilitated by Citizen’s Housing And Planning Association (CHAPA).
The Bond Bill, (H.3925) An Act financing the production and preservation of housing for low and moderate income residents,invests $1.7 billion through the capital budget in affordable housing over five years providing critical funding to produce, preserve and modernize public and affordable housing in communities across Commonwealth. Please click here for a fact sheet of the bill.
We urge you to attend the hearing or submit your written testimony to the House Committee on Bonding and Capital Assets, in support of the bill. Please let us know if you need any further information.
Thank you for your efforts!
Abhidnya Kurve
Policy Associate
Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association
18 Tremont Street, Suite 401, Boston, MA 02108
t. 617-742-0820 x113 f. 617-742-3953