HAP and the Western Mass. Network to End Homelessness invite you to the Western Region’s:
2012 CHAPA Regional Meeting
Join us at CHAPA’s Western region community meeting this fall to:
- Meet Brenda Clement, CHAPA’s new Executive Director!
- Recap of the highlights of CHAPA’s 2011-2012 initiatives and key changes in state housing policy!
- Share your ideas about local affordable housing and community development!
Thursday, September 13
1:30 – 3:00 pm
322 Main Street, Springfield
Each year, CHAPA staff travel across Massachusetts for a series of meetings with housing professionals and advocates, community members , elected officials, and other stakeholders that want to expand access to affordable housing. We use this as an opportunity to share updates with members in each region of the state and more importantly, to hear what you would like us to focus on in our public policy advocacy, research, and programs. Please take this opportunity to meet Brenda, share your thoughts and ideas, and help inform our collective agenda for the coming legislative session and year ahead. Light refreshments will be served. Please select the Western meeting and register online at http://www.chapa.org/event?month=2012-09
Thanks and hope to see you there!