Thanks to the Mass. Coalition for the Homeless for this update:
Starting today, families participating in the Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children program (TAFDC) are receiving the full annual clothing allowance of $150 for each eligible child! As you may recall, the clothing allowance was going to be reduced to $40/eligible child due to insufficient funding in the FY’12 budget. Please see the next box for more details and next steps.
In other news, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has scheduled a second hearing to gather public feedback on the emergency regulations now governing the HomeBASE program for families. More details about the 9/12 Boston hearing and 9/27 Springfield hearing are below.
We hope you will be able to weigh in with DHCD with your ideas regarding implementation of this important initiative to help families who are at-risk or experiencing homelessness! If you are unable to attend in person, DHCD also will accept written comments. See below for more details on the hearing and the “Quick Links” for more information about the program.
TAFDC Clothing Allowance Campaign Victory!
Last week, Governor Patrick filed a supplemental budget request, including $8.2 million to fully restore the TAFDC children’s clothing allowance (Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children, line item 4403-2000). While this supplemental budget has not yet been passed by the Legislature, the Governor gave the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) authorization to provide the full clothing allowance of $150/eligible child, in anticipation of the funding being approved when the Legislature resumes formal sessions this month. Thank you for all of your advocacy with the Governor and Legislature to make this a top funding priority! Special thanks to the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute and the Family Economic Initiative for leading the efforts to push for this restoration.
Please thank Governor Patrick for restoring this critical benefit. The Governor’s office can be reached by phone at 1-888-870-7770 or 617-725-4005. Additional contact information, including an email form, is available here.
Please also contact your State Representative and Senator to thank them for their support of the clothing allowance, and to ask for their support for the supplemental funding for the TAFDC line item.
Legislators can be reached through the State House switchboard: 617-722-2000, or directly through the numbers listed here: Directory of Representatives and Directory of Senators. To search for your legislator based on your address, please go to