Please click here to find the Network’s updated resource directory.  The most significant addition is a more comprehensive listing of veterans’ services, both across the region and by county.  The most significant deletion is a function of the expenditure of all allocated ICHH (Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness) resources for family prevention/diversion services and the REACH program for individual services, as well as the end of many of the HPRP (federal Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program) funds.

We know that another update will be forthcoming in early July, assuming the legislature’s final passage of Emergency Assistance reform which will include the creation of a new HomeBase program.   We will provide details as soon as we have them.

Meanwhile, if you see the need for a correction or additional update, please email Network coordinator Pamela Schwartz at with the information.

This directory, along with other directories for related resources, is also available on the blog’s  “Need help?”  link on the home page.

Thank you.

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