As you know, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed into law the $5.1 billion Affordable Homes Act on August 6. It’s a big bill with many parts! To make it more comprehensible, CHAPA created this summary presentation that we wanted to relay to you. There is MUCH more to learn and do (next up: implementation efforts!), and, for now, here’s another shot at learning with thanks to CHAPA.

The Affordable Homes Act included eviction record sealing protections – a big step forward in addressing this long-standing legislative priority for the Network and so many of our partners in the region.

Big thanks to our western MA legislators who championed this measure. And thanks, too, to the HOMES Advisory Committee, of which the Network is a part, that met for over 5 years to shepherd this from concept into law with a lot of negotiating and pushing throughout. Finally, extra special thanks to Annette Duke of Massachusetts Law Reform Institute for her incredible leadership of this effort.

The law goes into effect on May 3, 2025 (270 days after the effective date of the Act). This gives us time to work with the court on a petition form and process, to work with the community to set up eviction record sealing clinics, and to develop educational and outreach materials to make sure that tenants know when and how they can seal their eviction records.

Here is a preliminary fact sheet with more about what passed. Stay tuned for more information as the implementation process unfolds.

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