Yesterday, Governor Healey signed the $5.16 billion Affordable Homes Act into law.  Congratulations to all for the significant progress in this housing bond bill, including:

  • $2.2 billion bond authorization for state public housing
  • Doubling the Affordable Housing Trust Fund ($800 million) to create and preserve affordable housing
  • Eviction Record Sealing (with tenants’ right to immediately petition to seal cases that are dismissed and cases that tenants win)
  • Creation of  the Supportive Housing Pool Fund, which will streamline and expand the production of supportive housing for our most vulnerable residents
  • Creation of an Office of Fair Housing and Fair Housing Trust Fund
  • Allowing Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) by right

There is much more in this new law to celebrate! And there are disappointments as well (see the State House News article analysis here)

We will continue to work towards passage of the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act, the Transfer Fee for Affordable Housing, automatic eviction record sealing, rent control and more tenant protections for greater housing stability overall.  

Before we turn our attention to the next phase of implementation and to the continuing advocacy that lies ahead, we are pausing for a BIG round of applause for these wins.  Your hard work, in partnership with our legislators’ commitment and leadership, deserve an immense round of thanks.  We made meaningful progress.  THANK YOU and onward!

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